Armed Services YMCA El Paso
Volunteer opportunities with the Armed Services El Paso can be found on the U.S. Army Volunteer Management System (VMIS). For more information please contact: Verónica Carmona-González at or 915-263-7164 ext. 105
U.S. Army Volunteer Management Information System
Current volunteers can log in to their VMIS account and find an opportunity to match their interests and skills.
Log in to VMISWe rely heavily on our volunteers and cannot run certain programs or events without the help of our dedicated volunteers. It is important, therefore, to ASYMCA and those we serve, that volunteers honor their commitment once they have signed up for an assignment.
Volunteer opportunities are managed through the U.S. Army Volunteer Management System (VMIS). Once you register at you’ll be able to reserve your time and position. If you do not see an opportunity available, please contact Verónica Carmona-González at or 915-263-7164 ext. 105 for other possible opportunities available.
Each volunteer must use their VMIS account to schedule themselves and report all hours served.
Volunteers are expected to report their hours served within 24 hours of the assignment date. All hours for a month must be entered by the end of the month for accurate tracking. Travel time, unless stated by the Volunteer Manager, is not a part of logged hours.